Thursday, August 7, 2008


We certainly are living in times of dramatic change. And it would seem that there is much more to come. Part of the problem stems from the fact that we are always trying to change things to serve our purposes. Genetic food modifications, chemical preservatives, clear cutting of old-growth forests, diverting rivers for irrigation are all examples of humans trying to control the natural way of the world. But the simple truth is that the world is not something to be controlled or put in order. We are the one’s that must harmonize with it. Fighting against the natural flow of things is what has led us to the predicaments we are facing. We have lost our connection to the energy of the world. The plants and animals have become resources to be exploited and used as we march along a path that has only one inevitable outcome. The current structure is unsustainable.
It will take a miracle to turn things around…
If you want to see the miracle…
Be the miracle.

We are the one’s we have been waiting for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Aaron,

Thanks for dropping by Rebel Zen. I have actually read your book Perfecting Ourselves, and although I have failed rather spectacularly to do so, I still really enjoyed the book and should probably re-read it come to think of it :-)

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